Call for Applications
“How will we know it’s us without our past?” In a few words in The Grapes of Wrath, John Steinbeck summed up the meaning of historic preservation. The Village Preservation Society has been presenting awards for historic preservation in both the public and private sector for more than five years. (For the first time this year, we will be adding an award for a landscaping project that sensitively utilizes native plantings and respects the ecology of the East End.)
Sites should exemplify or possess special character, or historic or aesthetic interest of value as part of the natural, man-made, economic, social and cultural environment of the Village and vicinity; embody the distinguishing characteristics of a type, period or method of construction or design style; or be a valuable example of the use of indigenous materials or craftsmanship; or is representative of the work of a designer, architect or builder. Sites may also represent an established and familiar visual feature of the community by virtue of its location or singular characteristic; or presents an established and familiar visual feature of the community and should be in harmony with the scale and general character of the neighborhood and the Village.
The mission of these awards is to raise consciousness about our surroundings and to inspire continued stewardship of our historic area. You too can be a part of this initiative by nominating historic properties as possible awardees. Please send your suggestions to by July 31. Careful consideration will be given to all nominations by the Historic Preservation Committee.
Winners of the awards will be recognized at the Village Preservation Society Annual Meeting in September. They will be presented with a bronze plaque at that time.

Photo Credit: Kathy Cunningham