The VPS Historic Preservation Award Mission Statement
In keeping with our mission to preserve historic structures, neighborhood character and quality of life in the Village of East Hampton and further to promote the value of and appreciation for the historic buildings of East Hampton Village and vicinity, the Society seeks to honor exemplary preservation, rehabilitation, restoration or reconstruction projects and activities.
Judging standards include architectural integrity, accuracy, quality of construction, craftsmanship and/or technical excellence.
Nomination Process
Property owners or their representatives may submit projects that meet the criteria below, self-nominations accepted. A narrative description of the project, (maximum 1,000 words) and photographs taken before, during and after project completion, if available, should accompany the narrative.
In addition, sketches to scale, site plans, working drawings, or architectural elevations may be submitted. All types of construction will be considered, but only building exteriors will be assessed. Electronic submissions are preferred.
Project Principles
The project should exhibit the following principles:
- The design process and project implementation demonstrates exemplary preservation practices and use of appropriate historic techniques and materials;
- The beneficial effects of the project upon the community, including economic impacts;
- The degree to which the project is unique, unusual or pioneering, or serves as an example that influences others in proactive protection of historic buildings, properties, features or settings;
- The promotion of sustainable and environmentally green design while preserving the historic nature of the project.
Project Site Criteria
The site should:
- Exemplify or possess special character, or historic or aesthetic interest of value as part of the natural, man-made, economic, social and cultural environment of the Village and vicinity;
- Embody the distinguishing characteristics of a type, period or method of construction or design style; or is a valuable example of the use of indigenous materials or craftsmanship; or is representative of the work of a designer, architect or builder;
- Represent an established and familiar visual feature of the community by virtue of its location or singular characteristic; or presents an established and familiar visual feature of the community;
- Be in harmony with the scale and general character of the neighborhood and the Village.
Time Frame and Application Submission Process
Applicants should e-mail their nominations to Kathleen Cunningham, Executive Director at Kathy@VillagePreservationSociety.org. Deadline for applications is July 1, 2023. Electronic submissions are preferred, but if not possible, entries can be mailed to: Village Preservation Society of East Hampton, PO Box 2015, East Hampton, NY 11937. Any entries sent by US Mail must arrive by July 1, 2023. Please include your contact information and the full address of the property to be considered.
The members of the Historic Preservation Committee listed below will choose the winner and the award will be presented at the Annual Meeting of VPS Members, September 9, 2023. At that time a presentation featuring the project will take place and a plaque for display will be awarded. A public announcement will be made in the local press.
Inaugural Historic Preservation Award Committee
Christopher T. Cory, Gene E. Cross, Jr ., Georgia de Havenon, Averill D. Geus, Paul Goldberger, Curtis W. Schade, Robert A. M. Stern, Peter M. Wolf and Caroline Zaleski. Ex-Officio: John L. McGuirk Ill, VPS Chair and Kathleen Cunningham, VPS Executive Director